/Sayeeda Jaffrey

Sayeeda Jaffrey is the wife of the very popular Boogie Woogie Judge Naved. Sayeeda Jaffrey and her hubby Naved won the very popular Sony Entertainment Reality Drama Power Couple. Naved has potrayed himself as a very Hyperactive and Funny Judge. He seems to have a bit of wittiness as well. His lifestyle seems to be simple and Indian. On he contary, media reports suggest Sayeeda Jaffrey to be more of a westernised NRI. She happens to be relatively new to television , But Naved for sure has fans and Sayeeda in due time will also hodge the limelight.
By Profession, Sayeeda Jaffrey is a NRI and also a Banker.She can be adressed as a successful corporate woman hailing from America. Sayeeda and Naved have been married since 3 years as of now.



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